Monthly Membership Prices:
Prices below are based on a 6 MONTH committment (plus HST)*
For a 3 month add $10 per month
For a 1 month add $20 per month
2 Sessions per week $85
3 Sessions per week $115
Unlimited $130
Punch Pass (includes HST)
6 Class Punch Pass - $85.00 (expires after three months)
12 Class Punch Pass - $160.00
Discounts (off base price)
Students - 10%
First Response - 10%
Military - 10%
Couples - 15%
Drop In:
Per Class - $13.28+ HST = $15.00
Foundations Package:
3 classes - $ 57.52 + HST = $65.00
The 3 foundation classes are mandatory before purchasing a monthly membership. These foundation classes consist of basic movement instruction, mobility drills and a short workout. The classes are designed to assist you in your transition into our classes and allow you to learn the necessary techniques and skills.
For Private Foundations it is $120 with three one on one coaching sessions. For semi private (two people) it is $100 a person.
For questions or updates on the next Foundations please send an email to