
Nutrition is the most important part to having a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are training for an event, trying to lose weight, or just looking to live healthy, your nutrition, in particular eating real food, is your most significant weapon!

What is Paleo?

Using the diet that our Great Ancestors thrived on, it is eating food that comes from nature, not a lab. Paleo is about living off of food that promotes optimal health and performance, and not consuming foods that frequently may cause weight gain, systemic inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and numerous other lifestyle-related health problems. It is a lifestyle based on high quality animal protein, good sources of fat and unlimited vegetables.

Controlling Insulin:

We need to make sure we maintain a balance between protein, good fat and carbohydrates. Remember protein and good fats are our friends!  They are what make us feel full for long periods of time and control our insulin levels. By controlling our insulin levels, we should not be getting hungry every 2-3 hours and we should be able to avoid getting light-headed and having mood swings when we dont eat a meal right when we want to. These are all symptoms of unstable insulin levels and even more reasons to consider paleo.

Grains and Inflammation:

Grains can cause serious stomach problems since they contain anti-nutrients. They can also lead to a spike in our insulin levels and cause greater systemic inflammation (which we want to avoid). Systemic inflammation is counter-productive for muscle growth, recovery and our overall health. Grains that we see in the grocery stores today are not the same grains our grandparents or anyone from 50 years ago would have ate. We have played around with the genetics too much and we are too unaware of long-term issues surrounded with todays grains.

What to Eat:
·      High Quality Meat (eggs, beef, pork, chicken, lamb, bison, fish, etc. - anything that comes from an animal including organ meats)
·      Veggies (you can never get enough of these do not limit yourself, get as much variety and different colours as possible)
·      Good fat (olive oil, coconut in any form, avocados, butter)
·      Think foods that dont need food labels!!!

What To Avoid:
·      Grains (bread, pastas including all whole wheat, rice, oats, cereals, corn, etc.)
·      Refined sugar (think flavour shots in your lattes, fruit juices, lucky charms)
·      Processed foods (most packaged foods, like granola bars, cookies, microwavable dinners, etc.)
·      Legumes (Peanuts and peanut butter, beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc.)
·      Soy and soy products
·      Vegetable oils
·      Fat free products
·      Anything with a long list of chemical food additives

What To Limit:
·      Dairy (cheese, milk, etc.)
·      Fruit (still high in sugar, and people tend to go overboard on the amount they consume)
·      Nuts (dont get carried away eating bags of nuts to fill yourself)

Other Notes:
·      Base your meals around your good source of protein, high quality fat and a large portion of vegetables – every meal should include these 3 things!
·      Try to eat three balanced meals a day instead of 6 smaller meals.
·      Plan ahead. Use Sunday as cooking days. Make enough for lots of leftovers. 
·      It is ok to have cheats meals. We all have them. But don't let that one cheat meal, cookie or slice of pizza allow you to throw the rest of the day off. Live by the 80/20 rule 100% paleo, 80% of the time.   
·      Eat as much as you need to maintain strength, energy, activity levels and body weight remember this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle.
·      Eat mixed meals, the more diverse vegetables and meats the more nutrients you will get (it's the same as fitness).
·      Think real food you are what you eat.

Whole 9s Nutrition In 60 Seconds:

            “We eat real food – meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, healthy oils, nuts and seeds. We choose foods that were raised, fed and grown naturally, and foods that are nutrient-dense, with lot of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals.”

            “This is not a diet – we eat as much as we need to maintain strength, energy, activity levels and a healthy body weight. We aim for well-balanced nutrition, so we eat animals and a significant amount of plants.”
            “Eating like this has helped us to look, feel, live and perform our best, and reduces our risk for a variety of lifestyle-related diseases and conditions.”

For more information about the paleo lifestyle, please check out these links: